Visit a High-End Dispensary.
We’ll start our day off right by visiting a top marijuana boutique where you’ll be able to purchase marijuana in the medium of your choosing, be it flower, dab/wax, concentrate, edibles, etc. You’ll also enjoy 10% off as a guest of GreenTours, offering you the perfect opportunity to stock up and indulge. In addition there is a 50% tax break from the dispensary’s owner.
A Psychedelic Experience Unlike Any Other.
What better place to visit after a dispensary than Dunkee’s, a 3D art gallery with psychedelic art that’s out of this world beautiful, unique, and mesmerizing! What’s more, Dunkee’s laid back attitude and tolerant atmosphere allows for visitors to actually smoke inside, enhancing the psychedelic experience even more.
Venice Beach Tour.
Venice Beach is unlike any other place in the world! Home to street performers, artists, and not to mention AMAZING weed, it’s a must stop on our tour. We’ll get out and stretch our legs for a nice walk along the boardwalk, where there’s plenty of entertainment around every corner.
CBD Shop Visit.
Ever wonder what exactly iscannabinoid (CBD)? Our stop in a CBD shop will give you not only a clear understanding, but the chance to purchase it at a discount and experience this marijuana compound taking the world by storm for yourself.
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